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funds - technics - ali

I’m not sure there is much ambition to grow the archive beyond the next year. We have funding for research team members to continue curating and contributing content for another four months. After that it will be done on a volunteer basis. There is some possibility that I will apply for summer funding next summer to do additional work, but unless I randomly decide to apply for an NSF grant to study energy transitions in the MidAtlantic… I don’t know that there is a desire to grow the archive beyond what we have planned. And as far as what we have planned this includes:

connect - technics - ali

The archive itself does not connect users. Users connect through the contact information – which points users to The Energy Rights Project team, available via email – and they can join the research team if they would like to connect. The archive is not designed to connect people. There is no functionality for this built in and we have not designed anything in beyond pointing users back to the research team.

support - leveraging - ali

We are in the last, I would say 9-12 months of this project. I don’t really anticipate spending too much time building/creating the archive a year out, unless I get additional funding, which I am not planning on applying for. I think in terms of functionality, we’d love if some of the current limitations are addressed – not being able to have multiple contributors on a timeline essay; having a more stable editor dashboard in the PECE essays; capacity to change the layout of the home page.

fieldsites - leveraging - ali

I’m going to assume this should be “fieldsite” and not fieldnotes. I’m not really sure. We only have one “fieldsite” listed in the platform and that’s Philadelphia. I’m not sure how to make this feature useful, especially since (1) our project is placed-based (Philadelphia), and (2) most of our data has already been entered into the platform.