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support - leveraging - ali

We are in the last, I would say 9-12 months of this project. I don’t really anticipate spending too much time building/creating the archive a year out, unless I get additional funding, which I am not planning on applying for. I think in terms of functionality, we’d love if some of the current limitations are addressed – not being able to have multiple contributors on a timeline essay; having a more stable editor dashboard in the PECE essays; capacity to change the layout of the home page. There are a few other things, like having a search preserved in “discover” after hitting the back button. None of this is major and so I don’t think it really makes a difference.Most of what I’m wanting from PECE is long-term stability of the platform/software so that the archive can be preserved for a few decades; or a way to easily move the data to another system. 

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