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  • I strive to partake in such projects as Harjant Gill's films that are committed, responsible, and engaging for both the people whom the work is about and the students who stand to learn from their stories. This would include photography as well. I find that film and photography can be good venues in which to both analyze ethnographic findings as well as a teaching tool for a wide variety of audiences, including high school and college students.

Literature Review

Scott, James C. 1990. Dominance and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts. New Haven; London: Yale University Press.Scott's concepts of infrapolitics and hiddent and public transcripts are key to my research project. Infrapolitics refers to “a wide variety of low-profile forms of resistance that dare not speak in their own name.” Power relations between the dominant and the dominated produces two types of transcript. The public transcript is the “self-portrait of dominant elites,” and “it is designed to… affirm and naturalize the power of dominant elites” (18).

Hillary Abraham | Data Collection

PURPOSE OF ANALYTIC:This section describes the various forms of data accessed and generated in the home technologies project. This will be a living document that is updated as new forms of data are added and analysis proceeds.FORMS OF DATA:YouTube VideosThis project began with an exploratory analysis of YouTube content creators discussions of their home automation setups. YouTube is a video sharing website that hosts hundreds of thousands of videos on a variety of topics.


 How I may present my research findings

  • Scholarly article(s)
  • A monograph
  • Academic talks
  • Public talks in community settings and bookstores
  • Presentation at the communities which my research focuses on
  • Small community reading groups