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Hillary Abraham | Data Collection


PURPOSE OF ANALYTIC:This section describes the various forms of data accessed and generated in the home technologies project. This will be a living document that is updated as new forms of data are added and analysis proceeds.FORMS OF DATA:YouTube VideosThis project began with an exploratory analysis of YouTube content creators discussions of their home automation setups. YouTube is a video sharing website that hosts hundreds of thousands of videos on a variety of topics. Originally, uploaded videos had low production value, little standardization in format, and offered no compensation. These videos were often the work of enthusiasts who simply wanted to share their passions with the world.More recently, modifications to the algorithm and the increasing monetization of the platform have led content creators to adopt new video structures. Now, YouTube videos often have high production value, a standardized structure, and focus on sharing sponsored content. However, the more "traditional" videos still exist, making YouTube an amalgam of reviews and advertisements alongside (or by way of) DIY instructionals and tutorials. These characteristics make YouTube videos an interesting place to study discourses surrounding home automation.Some sample videos include the following:

Home Walkthroughs + InterviewsThough YouTube videos helped us get an early perspective on the problem space, there is no substitute for talking with individuals and having the opportunity to ask questions. However, the general structure of YouTube videos (i.e. the homeowner / resident walking through the automation in the home) was helpful in understanding what forms of automation were perceived as most important or good to share, the ways in which it fit into broader work systems, and the technical expertise involved in installing and maintaining the system. For this reason, interviews will follow in-person walkthroughs from home automation enthusiasts. The walkthrough should, hopefully, provide context similar to the YouTube videos, while the interviews will allow me to directly expand upon the findings in the walkthroughs and videos.Current AdvertisementsAdvertisements help us see how consumers are asked to view technologies. They emphasise benefits, minimize drawbacks, and often share the "ideal" version of the environment the technology is entering. Analyzing this "ideal" helps us delineate narratives surrounding technological systems. The current advertisements are located in a photo essay here.Historic AdvertisementsJust like current advertisements helped see how consumers were asked to view technological systems, with current advertisements, historic advertisements help demonstrate historical views about new home technologies. The historic advertisements are located in a photo essay here.

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