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Childhood asthma rates in Lithuania

Children (0-17 years old) with asthma (J45-J46) in 2012: 21267 children (13467 of them are male children and 7800 - female children). Also in this file: Dinamics of number of children with asthma 2001-2011 (for 100 000 inhabitants) (Liet. Vaikų (0-17m.) sergamumo ir ligotumo astma dinamika 2001-2011 m., (rodiklis 100 000 gyv.)) [there is a scheme, but i cant copy it here]. But the numbers of children with asthma have rised almost 3 times!

Asthma rates amongst children in rural Senegal

In a cross‐sectional study conducted in rural Senegal (Niakhar), Hooper et al. found that nearly one in ten children had symptoms suggestive of asthma; however, few children had a diagnosis of asthma or use appropriate therapies. More specifically, from a total of 1513 children aged 6‐7 years, 130 (9%) reported wheezing within the last 12months, and 41 (3%) had a clinical asthma diagnosis. Methodology: The researchers used the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) survey instrument to assess childhood respiratory health in rural Senegal.