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AO Wishlist 2070

  • Collaborations (e.g.
  • Post/de-colonial/"ethical" research practices (as relates to hyper saturation, representation, fatigue; research equity/ethics/responsibilities/obligations, etc.)
  • African technology development, esp. data
  • Scholarly infrastructures, esp. addressing inequalities in access, opportunities, circulation of knowledge outside of elite expert communities.

Biosketch 2040 - Danica 1/16/19

Keywords: rural U.S., environmental anthropology, place-based knowledge, land management, pedagogy, politics of knowledge production, anthropology of policyDanica Loucks currently works at X State University, in a joint appointment between the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES) and the Center for Effective Instruction (CEI).  Following her dissertation research on public lands conflict in southern Utah, Danica taught at Southern Utah University while working with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and U.S.


Narrative Biosketch for James Adams, 2040

James Robert (Jimbob) Adams is an associate professor of anthropology at the [Insert University]. He received his PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the University of California, Irvine in 2021. As an anthropologically trained, political epistemologist of science, Adams’ work identifies and traces the genealogies of the ethico-aesthetic values informing the production, evaluation, and deployment of scientific data and knowledge in contemporary American politics.


AO Biosketch 2040

keywords: STS; open science; Kenya; collaboration; ethnographic data systems Dr. Angela Okune is the Research Director and co-founder of “R”, a think-tank based in Nairobi, Kenya that works on the politics of knowledge in Africa. Current projects include serving on the advisory board for local universities, the African Academy of Sciences, and providing strategic guidance for education and data policies.


Habits, Neuroses, Talents - Danica 1/15/19

• Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?Definitely have more trouble articulating my frame• Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?I have a tendency toward what could be considered project hopping, but less because of the “shiny red truck” phenomenon and more due to having a hard time drawing boundaries, i.e.

katie's habits, neuroses, and talents as of jan 29, 2018

Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?I am surprised to say that I have more trouble with my object. I think that during research design I thought that my questions were harder to articulate, and only the object seemed graspable. Since starting data collection, my questions have become trusted guide-lines in the dark, where my object seems to dissolve every time I try to hold it.Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?I am a big-time project hopper.

Azzara M VtP Annotation Fortun on Toxicity

The author argues that toxics are akin to the “subaltern.” Toxics resists “representation, narration and generalization,” and are rendered illegible through the logics of industrial culture. Toxics resist explanation through binary oppositions, they are constantly changing and unstable, there are differences in the ways people respond to toxics, and toxics are not always visible. Toxics are what industrial culture ignores.