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Conceptualizing Spatial Stories

When we began to organize this conference more than a year ago, we were inspired by a quote from geographer Doreen Massey: “Space, instead of being a flat surface, it’s more like a pincushion of a million stories.” We ran with this inspiration and titled the conference “Stories-so-Far: Spatial Knowledges and Imaginaries.” If space is alive and inhabited by stories, this begs the question: how do we study it? How do we interpret space beyond its physicality?


Eleana Kim is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine. She received both her M.A. (with a Certificate in Culture and Media) and Ph.D. from New York University. In 2006, she was a Korea Foundation Postdoctoral fellow at the UCLA Department of Asian Languages and Literatures. Before joining the UCI Anthropology faculty, she was an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Rochester (2007-2014), and editor of the Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures (2013-2014).