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I will relay my research project and its analysis in four main ways:

Literature review

LITERATURE REVIEW:  Henri Lefebvre comes to mind: there is no such thing as empty space (Lefebvre), to which in order to understand  what is not there, it is important to look at other components that are present. In order to understand what makes these sorts of restaurants so meaningful and unique, it is important to look at how space is utilized, as well as the whole Latino vernacular ascetics, through which I chose to include the term Rasquachismo.

Research Program Description

My research program is invested in examining “regimes of (in)visibility” and the ways in which various types of dynamic movements and global migrations are characterized and represented as well as dampened and interrupted. I'm interested in looking media culture, as well as representational strategies employed by refugee advocacy groups and anti-refugee protestors, impact refugees and their ongoing quest for legal status.