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Two registers of toxicity emerge from this visualization--one, the idea of "pure Muskegon" which is tied to a comeback and revival of the area, which seems to be a form of toxicity by itself in that it enacts a particular visualization about pureness and futurity. The image itself wasn't clear but it seems to be an image of the unity symbol "under construction", which highlights how futurity and pureness is also under construction. the second, is about historical racial divide which is a sort of toxicity that is visible through the map.


I liked the argument that the visualization is trying to make. The visualization could be clearer to highlight the spatial distribution of where exactly the new symbol being built will be placed and how it is located with respect to the census distribution along racial lines. For example could you make the map into an actual boundary map and show with contrasting colors the census distribution, and then insert the image in the middle? And what do you mean when you ask for who is this a comeback--is this something you can show visually as well?


The image is created by the ethnographer through juxtaposing two different images. The striking aspect of this visualization is that the unity sculpture seems like it is under construction, which lends itself to the argument that the unity itself is a construction.

PardoDiana VtP Annotation: immersive toxicity

I would like for the author to start with the interlocutors’ bodies, rather than their narratives (which are integrally related but are not the same). To evoke the corporeal and sensorial experience of putting one’s body in toxic water… and to do so in a way that summons a different yet complementary meaning than that of the image itself. 

PardoDiana VtP Annotation: immersive toxicity

I believe this image was produced by the author. What I like about it is the light in the middle —which, despite of making the picture a bit too dark, also produces a provocative composition, it invites the audience to pay attention, it draws the eye towards the light.