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I will generate and/or seek out visuals that index, represent, or illustrate the multiple ways in which the city of Austin, Texas can be said to function as a heterotopia; one that is simultaneously thriving and toxic. In one obvious sense, Austin is heterotopian in that it has a long established, popular reputation as a “weird”, young, and progressive oasis in a sea of Texas conservatism. But behind this veil of distinction there lies another, more insidious contradiction.

Goldstein VtP Collaboration Biography

 I am drawn to the VtP project because I am interested in mercury contamination. In its vaporous form. Mercury is invisible. It also has no smell. Classified as a long-range global pollutant, mercury can travel up to 9,000 miles. So while the place of mercury contamination might be specific, its effects are mobile. I am thus interested in both the situatedness of the “place” of Madre de Dios (Mother of God), Peru and its relationship to mercury usage in artisanal and small scale gold mining as well as the possible dis-location of mercury’s mobility.

Goldstein VtP Collaboration Biography

The specificity of Madre de Dios as a “place” comes from its geographical position between the Brazilian and Bolivian Amazonian borders, where “tribes living in voluntary isolation” (PIACI) seek to remain invisible as well as its rich mineral stores. I work in collaboration with the indigenous federations on both sides of the Peruvian and Brazilian borders. Their concern is that the mercury contamination is affecting upstream communities, among them the PIACI.