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Alli Morgan: Rain, Family, and Sensory Experience: Imagining Quotidian Climate Change

This image is interesting in how the subject seems to constantly vacillate between the two figures in the foreground of the frame, the soil, and the intense sky.  The image does not immediately evoke "climate change" without the textual prompt, but the viewer certainly gets the sense that the human subjects in the photograph have been living with/in this environment in the ways their focus is not fixated on the intensity of the sky in the same way the viewer is. 

Rain, Family, and Sensory Experience: Imagining Quotidian Climate Change: Kara Miller

I feel the work with affectual plains is very strong. This piece enacts a certain affectual swirl that anyone who has felt a strom coming will know well. This photo has bodily and sensorial information certainly, in the facial expressions as well as what appears to be a quickened pace in the strides of Pancha and Chon. The photo brings a sense of movement, temperature, and thought. The open and freshly-tilled soil suggests a certain precarity. We think about labor and bodily ways of knowing the land. We consider the farmer's relationship with weather, land, and environemnt.

Melissa Begey: Cascading California

In all honesty, prior to reading the text I was unsure how to digest this image. The center image of the dominoe seemed to stand out (though on initial reading not in a way that was signifing of how to "read" the image). I then noticed the varying charts and wondered if (how) it was important for me to understand the graphic details of the charts within the image.

Cascading California: Kara Miller

I find this collection and collage very interesting for this primary reason: It takes charts, graphs, stat's, and other "classic" informatics, and plays with them in such a way as to both utilize as well as question the information therein. At first it seems like a collection of information in visual formats, but it is a toppling array of chaos and structural violence.