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VtP Analytic: Places

This question set will help ethnographers characterize the "place" (expansively concieved) that their research focuses on and operates within. 

CfE Analytic: Reading Experimental and Installation Ethnography

This question set will guide analysis of the experimental dimensions of a "text" -- with "text" expansively conceived to include narratives, events, gallery installations, syllabi: anything designed and intended to produce ethnographic e/affects.  Texts (of many kinds) can be experimental in different ways, sometimes working through a cluster of experimental devises, sometimes inventing such devices.  

VtP Analytic: Toxicities

This question set can be used to draw out different kinds of toxic dynamics -- chemical, political, intersubjective, etc. 

CfE Analytic: Reading Ethnographic Visualizations

This question set will guide characterization, interpretation and development of visualizations in ethnography. 

Reading for Ethnographic Collaboration

This question set will help draw out the purposes, processes, infrastructures and challenges of ethnographic collaboration.