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Learning about/from psychoanalysis

“They share misery, exclusion, disappearance, anxiety, and those feelings that sway between intractability and inevitability”-exactly, they cannot be escaped and if once one accepts and acknowledges that, things shift  “how difficult it is to separate the transit between oppression and depression.


Freire + Klein (according to Britzman)

"Freire's pedagogy proposes the paradox that, if words call upon anxiety, they may also break open uncanny reality. Klein proposed the opposite: anxiety calls upon object-words. Klein works within the imaginary realm of "unreal reality," or phantasies as presenting the urgency of bodily drives attaching to (lost) objects, prior to words. She begins with two assumptions: birth ushers the infant into its emotional situation and the adult mind has its roots in infancy" (86)Is the emotional situation given at birth or through birth or after birth?


Summary, Questions, Quotes

Britzman (2017) parallels the work of Freire and Klein, to extend psychoanalysis into the field of pedagogy.  “My inquiry into the pain of symbolization focuses on the emotional work of losing while coming to know the world of others through the passage of one’s history of attachments to loss of loved and hated objects.


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(1) First, why Mrs. Klein?Freire is merely Freire, but Klein has a prefix. I googled the phrase "Mrs. Klein", and a rather unsettling, though, tongue-in-cheek article written in 1992 popped up: 'Melanie Klein? She Shrunk Her Kids', a theatrical review of play based on a difficult period in Klein's life. She has just received news that her son has died. Her daughter arrives on the scene, blaming Klein for her brother's death.
