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p&c w4 psrigyan annotation 3

(1) First, why Mrs. Klein?Freire is merely Freire, but Klein has a prefix. I googled the phrase "Mrs. Klein", and a rather unsettling, though, tongue-in-cheek article written in 1992 popped up: 'Melanie Klein? She Shrunk Her Kids', a theatrical review of play based on a difficult period in Klein's life. She has just received news that her son has died. Her daughter arrives on the scene, blaming Klein for her brother's death. Klein is a "fascinating tyrant"... the sort of woman who accuses others of being "too dogmatic" dogmatically; who bristles whenever she feels "my little torch of knowledge" is "being crapped on yet again"; who encourages openness and honesty in others, then locks up the sherry ". The play is revived in 2009 and receives another theatrical review, where Klein is an "intellectual pioneer and failed mother who has treated her children with the professional detachment she brings to her patients..." Is it her studies of early childhood psychic reality and/or the connection of mothering loss with her psychoanalytic practice that make her Mrs Klein? (2) pedagogy of the oppressed meets pedagogy of the depressed: Reading Klein and Freire side-by-side, Britzman asks a question that I am coming to think is the core of any pedagogy: “How then does this libidinal reach grow capacious when the world is so subject to destruction?” (91). Both practitioners of pedagogy maintain that loss is constitutive of reality, but, what do we do with the pain of loss of the whole into a categorical scheme? Or, why do we want to continue to not only be, but change, despite all the oppressive tangles we might find ourselves in? Why do we want to hope when we are all going to die and the plant is absolutely f**ked up. 

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