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Habits, Neuroses, Talents - Danica 1/15/19

• Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?Definitely have more trouble articulating my frame• Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?I have a tendency toward what could be considered project hopping, but less because of the “shiny red truck” phenomenon and more due to having a hard time drawing boundaries, i.e.

katie's habits, neuroses, and talents as of jan 29, 2018

Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?I am surprised to say that I have more trouble with my object. I think that during research design I thought that my questions were harder to articulate, and only the object seemed graspable. Since starting data collection, my questions have become trusted guide-lines in the dark, where my object seems to dissolve every time I try to hold it.Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?I am a big-time project hopper.