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Alli Morgan: Imagining Climate Change

The primary strength of this image is the juxtaposition of the various media representations of climate change. To somehow demonstrate in the image itself that these images were pulled synchronously would strengthen the message, perhaps through dating the image as a whole or positioning it under a screenshot of your Google search.

Alli Morgan: Imagining Climate Change

The juxtaposition of these various images and headlines sheds insight into the ways toxic climate change is always represented in multiple, diverse ways. The composition of the photo shows the ways in which climate change requires cross-scalar definition and representation. 

Imagining Climate Change: Kara Miller

The white/ blank pieces of this image have a certain organization to them and denote an airiness that works with the content. I appreciate the simplicity of the screen shots and the arrangement as well. The part of your work that deals with popular imagery up against the mundane and pedestrian is intriguing. How do we make the point that catastrophic is slow and contamination creeps? Especially in the face of the imagery you point to herein, which does make a spectacle of inevitable collapse. How could we show that contamination endures?