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getting mystical, a case for the Other

Thinking along the lines of energy, Teresa Brennan (1992) suggested that attention is energy. More exactly, to receive attention from others is a source of energy. But I suggest that the idea of the Big Energy implies that we receive energy of a different kind when we receive through giving attention to the other. (187)the distinction between two states of consciousness: the one in which we immerse or float or allow ourselves to be carried by association of ideas and one in which we have a definite intention.


Learning about/from psychoanalysis

The point is to see how much dissonance you can create and still resolve the harmony, because the greater the dissonance, the more intense the resolution. What is fascinating is how to expand and make elastic the strings of consciousness tying you to the One (the centripetal tendency) in order to be immersed in the manifold (the centrifugal); or, as I said before, the tension of going as far out as possible to see how far those strings stretch, how centrifugal you can be and still feel the elastic tension of the Big Energy that pulls you back to the One.



"[Mannie Ghent's] expression of his personal vision in the form of a Credo (Ghent, 1989) became an invitation for others to write their Credos - a task he literally set for analytic candidates in his seminar" (186)"The subtitle of this paper, "Containing of Multitudes," I chose from Whitman (1855), who, of course, was the great exemplar of this tradition of uniquely personal, subjective expression in American letters and whose lines I choose as an epigraph for this dedication: "Do I contradict myself?/Very well then I contradict myself,/(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"" (186)"What is th
