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Questions, Quotes & Summary

 Derrida (1991) calls for ‘geopysychoanlysis’ as a response to the lack of political engagement and contextualization in the field of IPA psychoanalysis. This piece is a call to action from the author and speaks to the IPA’s discontinuity, homogeneity and disengagement (with “the rest of the world”) at the time.


Learning about/from psychoanalysis

“But, first, does it in fact exist, and if so what is it? Is it the name of something so sufficient unto itself—i.e., as a continent—as to have identity? Is it the name of a concept? And what could this concept have to do with psychoanalysis?”-it’s just a concept; a construct created by society“For psychoanalysis has an earth, sole and singular. An earth that is to be distinguished from the world of psycho analysis.


Geopsychoanalysis: "... and the rest of the world"

"So—I will now name Latin America. What is Latin America today? I will explain in a moment why in my view it has to be named. But, first, does it in fact exist, and if so what is it? Is it the name of something so sufficient unto itself—i.e., as a continent—as to have identity? Is it the name of a concept?And what could this concept have to do with psychoanlysis" Pp.200"These provisos notwithstanding, our original question remains essentially unanswered.


Geopsychoanalysis and Worlding

"Yes, Latin America is indeed the name of a concept. I would even go so far as to say that it is the name, in the interwoven histories of humanity and of psychoanalysis, of a psychoanalytical concept" (200)"what the psychoanalysis of today considers to be the earth. For psychoanalysis has an earth, sole and singular.
