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LElstow VTP Annotation

  • Describe who/what Correa - not everyone will know this.
  • Is there a contradiction even in the photos, beyond the written word?  Do we know how oil improves life?  Is it possible to see any of these contradictions in the photos themselves?  (e.g a lack of biodiversity in the left-hand picture or a lack of improvement in life in the right-hand one?

LElstow VTP Annotation

Two juxtaposed images by the author - the caption also underlines the inherent contradiction in those two statements, particularly when contrasted with the photo of the girl with the respiratory device.   The right-hand image invites the author to look at the soil and to wonder what the impact is on the soil of the oil extraction.  It seems oddly devoid of anything in the foreground.

LElstow VTP Annotation

I think that this image could be improved in terms of addressing directly what it has to say about toxics and toxic places, which Andrea explains in brief in the introduction.  It would be helpful to elaborate this in more detail in the caption.   Although it does not examine this directly, the author is drawing attention to the toxicity of living in a place wedded both to bodily experienced living, and oil extraction which contravenes this living.