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gaza walls

the massive wall dominates the image as it dominates the landscape as it dominates life.  I said it's about being blocked; maybe that's the same as saying, it's about being dominated. I find the "figure #" in each image interesting - it's like it's from a scientific article, "see figure 1."  what are they figures of?  Domination?  Art as toxic antidote? Grafitti as toxic cleanup?  The device does allow me to say: only in figure 4 is there no blue.


I'm a creature of habit so this collage of wall-barrage makes me think of aporia, an impassable impossible blockage that offers no path -- and yet is where path and possibility might emerge, the only place where they might emerge.  Wikipedia has gottne pretty good on this: toxics or toxicity as aporia?  The aporetics of walls and toxics?