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Alli Morgan: Camila Points

This image is interesting in how it captures a moment--a moment in a larger film, a moment in the chaos of what seems to be a busy street.  Quite evocative of the toxicological sciences, in which the sampling of toxic substances represents a very particular moment in a very particular place, this image manages to convey quite a lot through this slice. Like toxics, the image will move, shift, and take on other forms and meanings as time passes.


Alli Morgan: Camila Points

This image is interesting in how it captures a moment--a moment in a larger film, a moment in the chaos of what seems to be a busy street.  Quite evocative of the toxicological sciences, in which the sampling of toxic substances represents a very particular moment in a very particular place, this image manages to convey quite a lot through this slice. Like toxics, the image will move, shift, and take on other forms and meanings as time passes.


Alli Morgan: Camila Points

Quite cleverly even in its form as a screenshot, the image manages to evoke a sense of movement and passing of time. Camila frozen in mid-sentence and mid-gesture, the blurring of the passing car, the icons on the screen indicating that this is a still from a film, the viewer is both drawn to the image as a static, bounded piece, while simultaneously urged to imagine the moving whole.


Crystal Jones: Camila Points

The first place that my eyes went was to the text of the screenshot, but I after viewing the accompanying text I began to look at Camila and the environment. If there were a way to take crop-out the words at the bottom of the screen, the viewer might focus on Camila's concern or the toxic looking environment; both of which I think do a better job of showcasing the toxic situation.


Shannon Bae: Camila Points

My eye is first drawn to Camila's hand and follows the direction that she is pointing. In the explanation, the filmmaker explains what Camila is pointing out and the image is effective in allowing us to feel a part of the moment, the tour of toxic materials as they enter Camila's barrio. Although a still image, it is easy to feel the movement of the moment that is captured.
