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Natasha Raheja: Toxic People

This collage contemplates the banality of toxicity and its overwhelming whiteness. How are the mundane activities of powerful white people steeped in toxicity? Together, the images make a critique of indiscernable toxicity in the everyday lives of white settlers. Some of the faces look at each other, as if in a continuous conversation, but across places and times. 


Evan Hepler-Smith: Toxic People

What does it mean to characterize people or behavior as "toxic"?This image makes me curious about the capacity and limits of toxicity as an analytical category applied to people. Characterize sunshine-based California boosterism as a "toxic" effort to claim exclusive land rights makes me think of Lisa Park and David Pellow's critique of "nativist environmentalism" in Aspen (The Slums of Aspen, 2011).
