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Sexual violence and discarded bodies

The first item in this collage that caught my attention and, in fact, required that I stop and take a moment is the image of the red undergarment-appearing piece of clothing third image from the top in the first column. The red fabric is contrasted by the concrete backdrop of the ground. The first thoughts/images that came to mind were that of sexual violence and assault on university campuses and UCLA no exception. The red piece of fabric when viewed in relation to the cement, reads as warmth in body and color against the concrete, lifelessness of pavement.

Analytic (Question)


I appreciate the author's concern that the images may be flat and moralizing, while they want to express more than that. I I think the images express the impossibility of dealing with all the stuff of the world. College represents a period in which people suddenly encounter themselves as responsible for diposal at new scales. One can feel unwittingly responsible for disposal of a multitude of objects that litter one's daily life and which are often imposed upon them.