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CarniceroS on LockyerP, Sustainability and Utopianism

Santiago writes "It (the ethnograhy) introduces the challenge of sustainability and provides context that legitimate the relevance of utopian projects to the modern world". In answering the question "how is the critism of the text performed", Santiago adds there are different scholarly views toward Utopianism. The author presents it"as a transformation according to contemporary values rather than a presents the modern world as opposed to the object of analysis, to the ethos of the intentional communities".

CarniceroS on LockyerP, Sustainability and Utopianism

This sketch proposes to use the project as an educational module for kids "to learn  alternative practices for producing food, building residences, coexisting with theenvironment and with the rest of the community in a sustainable and reciprocal manner". I think it would be a great idea, as many schools have already been participating in promotion of sustainable lifestyle.