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Toxic Softscapes: On Entries, Bodies, and Plants

Submitted by sezarate25 on

This photo essay theorizes the permeability of geopolitical, fleshy, and floronic borders through toxicity. Specifically, this project will visualize toxic materials (DDT & Glyphosate) through the material practices they have instantiated: 1) getting deloused with DDT to gain entry into the U.S. for contracted farm work and 2) applying and carrying RoudUp (Glyphosate) for weed abatement by gardeners. Given that toxicity is dissipative but not dwindling, burrowing but not self-containing, this ethnographic visualization project serializes fifty-years of one person's toxically-instantitated confrontations, manipulation, and primming of plant life by attempting to capture, through photographic exposure, the after and on-going effects of those interactions. In doing so, the toxic will emerge as historical and ongoing, cohering decidely more for racailized and gendered bodies and the plants they harvest, trim, and desicate. 

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