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Toxic Homelessness

Submitted by crystj1 on

I explored topics surrounding toxic homelessness in Southern California. I investigated discrepancies in the total number of homeless people versus how many shelter beds are available nightly, as well as, homeless stigmas and the injustices that result. The views held by the general public on who is homeless and why likely holds direct correlation with justice programs, homeless assistance, and the lack thereof. I worked with a homeless shelter in Canterbury, England and trained to be a mentor to those who have found housing in an effort to help them maintain it. This particular toxicity is important because homelessness, especially in cities, is visible every day and people have their own varied opinions on it. Politically, homelessness is greatly affected by the NIMBY (not in my back yard) movement where people have intentions of helping, but no one wants the solution to be noticeable in their backyard (or neighborhood). I used one photograph and one created image to help relay some of the toxic conditions of homelessness in Southern California.

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