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What Can Archaeology Do for Society in Southern Arica?

<p>Pikirayi, Innocent 2009: What Can Archeology Do for Society in Southern Arica? In: HIstorical Archeology 43,4. P. 125–127.</p>
Last Revision Date
Critical Commentary
<p>In response to Barbara Little, I present a southern African perspective, sharing issues of mutual concern on how archaeology can be of service to society. How archaeology relates to indigenous communities, however defined, remains critical the world over, the main problem being archaeologists’ treatment of cultural treasures including human remains of, or found in or among those communities. It is ironic that even here in southern Africa, South Africa in<br>particular, archaeologists have failed to articulate the relevance of their own discipline to society, despite the region being replete with evidence for humanity’s origins, and how social identities have been shaped during the past half millennia. Archaeology still carries a bad image, often associated with desecration of sacred places including burials.</p>