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Vawda 2019: Museums and the Epistemology of Injustice

<p>Vawda,&nbsp;Shahid (2019): Museums and the Epistemology of Injustice: From Colonialism to Decoloniality.</p><p>In: Museum International, 71:1-2, 72-79.<br></p>


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Critical Commentary
<p>"The aim of this article is to explore a central paradox of museums. Often thought of as integral institutions of progress, enlightenment and modernity, museums are deeply implicated in colonialism itself. The article explores ele­ments within the nexus of colonialism/post-colonialism and its relationship to museum activities in the past, but also in the present. It asks the question of how we understand and recognise the colonial imprint of museums and how decolonising might be addressed. The issue is not only about former colonisers coming to terms with their colonial pasts through museums and other heritage sites, but also how and why it is important to decolonise museums […]"</p>