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Social Studies of Scientific Imaging and Visualization

<div style="line-height: 1.35; margin-left: 2em; text-indent: -2em;" class="csl-bib-body"><div class="csl-entry">Burri, Regula Valérie, and Joseph Dumit. 2008. “Social Studies of Scientific Imaging and Visualization.” In <i>The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies</i>, edited by Edward J. Hackett and Society for Social Studies of Science, 3rd ed, 297–317. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press : Published in cooperation with the Society for the Social Studies of Science.</div><span class="Z3988"></span></div>
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Critical Commentary
<p>Burri and Dumit discuss diverse approaches to social studies of scientific visualizations and denote productive avenues for future research.</p>