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Santa Ana Archive Interested Groups

I see this archive as potentially being of interest to a number of groups:

  • K-12 students in Santa Ana - I hope to involve students in the creation of the archive, pushing them to think of themselves as researchers and archivists. I also think the archive would be relevant to them as a way to think about what issues to prioritize in activism.
  • K-12 students elsewhere - the archive can serve as an example of what it looks like for K-12 students, university-associated researchers, and community members to digitize the collective history of a city/school district and hold officials accountable for remembering that history and addressing past and present discrimination/oppression/exclusion
  • For the same reasons as above, teachers in Santa Ana and elsewhere
  • UCI students - I think it's really important that university students understand the local context in which they go to school beyond the stereotypes of the area. A lot of my work at Penn focused on doing this kind of work with West Philadelphia and I would like to continue that here, framing this archive as a way for students--especially students who are doing research in Santa Ana--to learn about the city
  • School administrators and city council members - the archive could serve as a reminder that people are watching their actions and they must attend to the issues facing Santa Ana that are prioritized by the community
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