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ROSE O'LEARY & BENEDICT TURNER, "Regenerative Data Futures"


ABSTRACT:Our work aims to help conceptualize the liminal space of virtual space and online interactionsboth mediated by computers and with computers themselves. Grounded in decolonial, regenerative, radical feminist science technology studies (STS), and Indigenous theories, we take the stance that we must consider our relationality to the digital and digitally facilitated places and spaces in much the same way that Indigenous thought calls for us to enact worldwide reciprocal, respectful place based relationships. We argue that these foundational principles must be enacted in all efforts to decolonize because one cannot remove that which is toxic without considering what would replace it. We argue that regenerative narratives based upon the principles of reciprocal, respectful relationality are that growth which can replace toxic instantiations of coloniality and neoliberal institutionalization in our virtual spaces. We argue that our virtual spaces have been patterned after our physical spaces but are fertile spaces for experimenting with regenarratives (regenerative narratives) to then help envision a healthier future as climate change radically reshapes our relationships with physical space. Our preferred presentation format will take an organic dialogical format where we present our work briefly, pose a series of questions with which we have been in conversation over the course of our research and then invite others to discuss the issues. We hope that we can conduct more of a seminar format where we ask participants to contribute to this ongoing conversation rather than a one way conveyance of information.  

Last Revision Date
Critical Commentary