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  • PECE: I hope to continue to use PECE through all stages of my research process, from early concept work to fieldwork and through to publication. I'm interested in producing (and finding) data that can be shared in different ways - as opposed to the closed system of academic publishing.
  • COMMUNITY RESOURCEI have had early stage conversations with Professor Fortun where she raised the idea of creating a resource to share  technologies across communities. This is something I'm very interested in pursuing further. For example, community members in Urequío who had to finance, design, and install their own running water system can share that information with a neighboring or distant community facing similiar challenges. I am interested in thinking about what form that communication would take and what resource can be utilized/created in aid of this.
  • VIDEO: I am currently in the process of digitizing my old home videos, as well as the home videos of individuals from Urequío currently living in the U.S. I'm interested in thinking more about what these forms of visual family archives mean to families who have migrated, and how they can have a life beyond a VCR, DVD, or digital file saved and largely unopened on a computer. 
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Critical Commentary