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p&c w4 psrigyan annotation 1

I learned how the text of every day Anglo interactions is influenced by the psychoanalytic studies of children by Melanie Klein and Anna Freud: "You're being defensive!"; "Do not project on me"; "You are in denial"; "You are being paranoid". Hhy ow did these supposedly ivory-tower concepts diffuse into the pedagogy of conversations?Why Born thinks Kleinian rather than Lacanian or Freudian ways of doing psychoanalysis might be suited for ethnographic studies of all instances where "splitting", or construction of an irrefutable binary (man/woman, ally/enemy, self/other) occur:The concluding sentence reveals the text's intention: “Far from indulging in a poststructuralist fetishism of difference, the intention must be to generate empirical fuel for a more complex and adequate account of cultural historical process” (382)Situating a parallel b/w what ethnographers actually do and what Kleinian practitioners actually do: “Kleinianism has practitioners who are most committed to theory being embedded in clinical experience and derived from observation, and are most averse to excesses of pure theoretical exegesis” (375)Agenda for a psychoanalytic anthropology: “It is in this complex psychocultural synergy, with its productive effects as well as its inevitable points of dislocation and fracture, that spaces of agency and resistance may be conceived” (381)   

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