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J_Adams: Ethnographic Experience

I conducted in-person and “tele-fieldwork” in Austin from October 2019-April of 2021, investigating local efforts to transition the city to renewable energy. I have also co-organized short, ethnographic field campuses in New Orleans (2019) and St. Louis (2018). I was the lead organizer for a field campus in Austin (2020) that was cancelled due to the pandemic.  I have also led or co-led ethnographic design projects, like Visualizing Toxic Subjects and Visualizing Toxic Places, which was hosted by the UCI Center for Ethnography in 2018 and 2019 (respectively.    At the onset of the Pandemic, I began participating in a digital collaborations to study the unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic from a transnational STS perspective.  Later that year, I also joined the Energy Rights Project’s ethnographic investigation of energy vulnerability in the mid-atlantic region of the US.  I have also had experience in developing and hosting “PECE Training” sessions, and worked as a PECE consultant for the UCI Newkirk Center’s Essential Workers in Covid-19 project.

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