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Digging up the ground beneath your feet

"I shall propose, first, to replace "either/or" with "both/and," that is, with a Third" (32)"In a power-driven, myopic refusal of interdisciplinary challenge, it validates only two kinds of speech, the dualism of the biological and the psychical. It discredits, in other words, the third term, the social (and by extension the political) which nevertheless slips in on the normative or, what is in effect the same thing, the universalizing. But why shouldn't psychoanalysis answer to social theory?" (41)"This contradiction generates a tension between two impulses: to improve women's lives and to change them altogether... This contradiction does not trouble me, for it constitutes the problem of digging up the ground beneath your feet, a problem encountered in any situation of change, whether social or psychological" (46)I found these three ideas generative, especially in conversation with paradox as "may be how we presently understand contradiction (Benjamin, 1994, 93)": the Third, both/and, and the problem of digging up the ground beneath your feet.These three ideas remind of Peircean semiotics, specifically Thirdness and the interpretant. Right now the affinity is faint so I need to spend more time connecting and organizing my thoughts.

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